Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mr. Poe,

After reading your new short story, The Black Cat, i find it very pessimistic and hard to understand why you find people to be born with inherent evil.  Your characters show that you believe people can be perfectly sane and still be bad people just because they were born evil. The narrator in your story becomes belligerent and violent when he drinks. He beats his wife and animals when he drinks, but not just because he is drunk, but also because he has the power and ability to do it.  In regards to the narrators cats, I feel that there may be a deeper meaning behind the cats, and that the cat possibly is a symbol for issues you see in today's society.  Any response or comments from you would be greatly appreciated.


Nathaniel Hawthorne

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Hawthorne,
    The man i wrote in this story represents man in general, we do bad things when we are drunk or we blame bad things on being drunk. You are correct on the fact that this represents more than just a cat but ill leave that to your imagination.


    Edgar Allen poe
